Last weekend we did a family visit that was a return to how we'd first begun doing them. Theo and I drove the girls down and stayed and hung out with the family the whole time. The visit was just 1.5 hours long. Aunt made the lovely suggestion that good-byes would happen in the house and not at the car. She even coached grandma to do them quickly. So, we did a quick but sincere good-bye then left. No drama with grandma climbing over seats or Jane wailing from her car seat. And it all worked! Girls were cheerful and chatty on the way home! No nightmares for Jane that night! Kate was even okay--one day of extreme clinginess but then she returned to usual level of attachment-bonding cling! I'm so incredibly relieved! Because what would I have done if this hadn't worked?? I could not bear the thought of telling them we were stopping visits completely not least of all because I truly don't believe that would be the right path, long term. But now I don't have to f...
The main characters: Beth and Theo (parents), Three bio sons: Seth (18), Gus (14), and James (4). Two adoptive daughters: Jane (4) and Kate (3). Our foster-to-adopt girls were placed with us Nov, 18 and adopted Feb, 20. All names are pseudonyms to protect our privacy. Beth is a special education teacher. Theo is an IT guy. We become foster parents in Aug, 2018. This blog is about foster care, adoption, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Sensory Integration Disorders.