This blog has had a very narrow focus--mainly issues with Jane, birth family, and social workers--and so I thought I'd take a moment to write a bit about the other two in our Three Little Musketeers trio. First, Kate is almost three. Her birthday is next month. She is teaching me why the term " threenager " was coined. Oh my, is she ever. All my boys had more difficult threes than twos (I don't know where Terrible Twos came from) but it's about stubbornness and big-opinion-but-deficient-vocabulary scenarios. Kate, on the other hand, has as much attitude and emotional fluctuation as my actual teenagers. I mean, thank god all this attitude is in a body that only comes to my waist, and also that she has the attention span of a toddler so she genuinely forgets why she was being pissy, because, wow, that girl can bring it. And I keep having this moment where I realize that Jane came to us just two months into her three year old year. Poor thing. If she was dealing ...
The main characters: Beth and Theo (parents), Three bio sons: Seth (18), Gus (14), and James (4). Two adoptive daughters: Jane (4) and Kate (3). Our foster-to-adopt girls were placed with us Nov, 18 and adopted Feb, 20. All names are pseudonyms to protect our privacy. Beth is a special education teacher. Theo is an IT guy. We become foster parents in Aug, 2018. This blog is about foster care, adoption, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Sensory Integration Disorders.