This post is just for the esteemed Reverend Doctor who reads this blog. Here's a new church tradition you'll, interested in. During the Christmas pageant at each juncture where a new set of character came up a narrator made an announcement that members of the congregation who wanted to join in were also welcome to come up. I'd noticed a side room with lots of spare costumes laid out and wondered who they were for. They were for random kids I've never once seen at the church after a year of attending. I'm assuming these were either very nominally attending families or possibly the grandchildren of church members who were only in town for Christmas. Altogether about 10 extra kids came onto the stage dressed as giraffes and spotted cows or Mary or shepherds or something vaguely costumey. The kids fell into one of two categories: too old to be doing this and totally pissed and hunched glaring meanly back at their parents, or, too young and utterly oblivio...
The main characters: Beth and Theo (parents), Three bio sons: Seth (18), Gus (14), and James (4). Two adoptive daughters: Jane (4) and Kate (3). Our foster-to-adopt girls were placed with us Nov, 18 and adopted Feb, 20. All names are pseudonyms to protect our privacy. Beth is a special education teacher. Theo is an IT guy. We become foster parents in Aug, 2018. This blog is about foster care, adoption, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Sensory Integration Disorders.