Just read this post from Brandy Vencel:
"Someone once asked me to compare modern education with classical education. One thing I brought up was how the goals differ and therefore the benefits to us as students differ. Modern education seeks to produce a worker for the global economy. This means there are a million times in life when it doesn't offer us anything — when we are waiting for something, when we are too young to work, when we are too old to work, when we are too sick to work, and on and on.
A classical, Charlotte Mason education, on the other hand, is valuable no matter what we are doing. It enriches all the moments of life, from the most important days of your life, to when we are home sick on the couch. If I die young, it was still worth it. If I get thrown in jail for civil disobedience, it was still worth it. (Did you know Dietrich Bonhoeffer was given a Charlotte Mason education?)"
That's it right there! The modern education does not offer us anything but work. And what if we cannot work? We are useless? We are entitled to only mindless entertainment to lull us into complacency until we can next work again?
I'm not interested in raising mindless cogs for a machine.
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