Did the job interview for the nanny position.
-She asked if we should cancel since it was only in the 50s with a chance of rain.
-She came 10 minutes late because she couldn't find her keys.
-She has two inch long fake nails.
-Her favorite thing to do is watch movies.
-Despite the fact that she's been nannying for two families and working in a daycare, she could not think of a single craft or experiment or project that she's done before and that she'd like to do again. I asked the question three times, with variations. Each time...just a straight up no. Couldn't think of a single thing she's ever done with any child ever.
So, did she read the job description? Because the title I put on the job was, literally: "Outdoor Enthusiast". I can guarantee those two inch nails have never touched a bit of nature, ever. And if you can't go outside in the 50s where we live, she must only go outside about two months of the year.
I went home and reread her replies to my questions before I'd agree to interview her and I think she vastly overstated her experience. What is the point of lying during the questions if you can't then at least remember the lie during the interview?
This is a reminder why I should immediately delete any applicant who appears to be under 30. I know it's a cliche that people in their 40s are suspicious of people in the 20s, but I'm learning there's good reason for the cliche. Arrogant over-confidence from people with zero actual life experience is just not an attractive feature in a job applicant.
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