It's been two weeks of nonstop turmoil and major decisions on a national scale and within our own home. I'm still mentally adjusting to the new no-contact policy we'll have towards birth family. So much to say--none of which have the energy to recapture here.
Instead, I have a completely rude observation to make that will only be detrimental to my future parenting and which I should excise from my thoughts immediately.
You know that annoying sitcom TV character sidekick whose only function is to cheer on the lead character? You know how in tween shows (Full House, Saved By the Bell--from back in my era) that person was completely annoying? They wore a vapid look and made overly-enthusiastic comments once per minute in a squeaky voice? Think Kimmy or Screech.
That's Jane.
Imagine you're putting out a snack which you do every single day and it's the same old snack they've had, literally, hundreds of times before, e.g. grapes, apple slices, pretzels. Imagine the whole house is quiet and kind of sleepy because it's winter and everyone is sort of in hibernation mode. Now imagine this babytalking, squeaky voiced, weirdly enthusiastic girl with a big vapid grin says, "Oh boy, gwapes!" as you set the plates down.
Imagine she has done that exact same thing for every single snack for two years. No variation. No human response. Always the big vapid grin and the squeaky baby-talking exclamation.
You'd kind of want to slap her, wouldn't you? I don't. Instead I grit my teeth and walk in the other room and brainstorm ways to tell someone to be less excited, less interested, less talkative, just....please be grumpy! Please be rude! Please be angry! Please be tired! Please have a tummy ache! Please just be absolutely anything other than the vapid robot you always are.
If you think I'm being extreme just imagine living with Kimmy, perpetually being the most Kimmy-ish, all the time.
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