Both Jane and Kate began peeing their pants 2-3 times a day this week. So I put on my detective hat and try to figure out why.
a) Both girls have done this in the past and have seen their pediatrician repeatedly and had tests done to check for UTIs. All tests and exams come back negative. The doc recommended I give them a cranberry supplement during flare ups just to be sure...which I do. The girls now get a supplement once a day along with their regular vitamin every day.
b) We saw Grandma Jackie last week. Causal relationship?
c) If one girl does it and gets attention--even though it's negative attention--does the other girl then do it in order to get attention also?
d) No cause. They're just doing weird things cuz little kids go through stages and do weird things.
I began issuing a consequence last week and have applied it without exception every time either one pees, or just for fun, also poops, her pants. Instead of doing it every day both girls have lessened their incidents to every other day.
There is a correlation between my reminders and their success. When I tell them to go, they do obediently use the bathroom without hesitation. On days when I remember to prompt them they stay dry. On days that I don't, they pee themselves. So is it all about attention?
At least five times a day I run through a script with each girl about this all being their choice. If they choose to go potty when they need to, instead of continuing to play and trying to hold it, then they can choose to avoid the consequence. Choosing to hold it, then inevitably losing control of their bladder and peeing themselves means they are choosing the consequence I apply.
Control over their bodily functions is supposed to be a metaphor, or corollary, to control over their whole life, right? Well, there you go ladies, you're in full control. I'll keep applying the very unpleasant consequence you don't want every single time until you choose to regain control of your bodies.
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