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We are finally reading deeply thru the paperwork we were given when we assigned the adoption papers. At first, skimming through, I thought it was all stuff we already knew. Nope. Theo is finding some real gems buried in there.

Like, Grandma who knows our last name and address and has been to our house and driven the girls off in our car has a prior conviction for FELONIOUS ASSAULT.

What the hell??!! Nobody thought to inform us of this? Back when I was quizzing every social worker and relative all about grandma?? When I was directly seeking info on whether we should trust her and let her have contact?? That little tidbit didn't come up?

In case you're wondering, here's what felonious assault is:
"Felonious assault, also called assault with a dangerous weapon, occurs when you assault another person with a gun, knife, brass knuckles, or some other weapon that has the potential of causing serious physical injury or death."

And while Theo is doing his deep reading I'm all over FB hunting down the various profiles of these people. I get on Grandpa's profile (the maternal grandfather who sent me the angry message wondering who we are to make decisions about the kids) and every single profile of him going back for years HAS A GUN in it. He has a business of catching and killing pests like bats and raccoons. He has many pictures of dead coyotes caught in brutal traps in which it is clear that they thrashed and suffered a bloody death. He's smiling proudly next to the dead bodies.

Most recent profile picture? Him with a pistol held tight to his chest like maybe he's hiding it in what looks like a public place, such as possibly the lobby of a Wal-Mart, and the frame around it says, "I am the NRA". 

This is the guy who is pissed at us for kidnapping his grandchildren. 

I am officially, seriously, frightened. 

Also, after hours perusing these people's bazillion FB profiles because they have to start a new one every few years, I am struck by the fact that this kind of person only posts pictures of themselves. I intentionally went looking on the birthmother's page for pictures of my girls but, nope, it's a bazillion sexy poses and frames and filters. That's it. And then all their friends commenting how sexy they are. 

Good to know that while her children were being removed and then her parental rights terminated, their birthmother was posting sexy profile pics.


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