I was looking ahead on the calendar to our next visit and suddenly realized it fell during Mother's Day weekend. A flood of mixed emotions hit me immediately.
I called aunt and asked her if that was okay with her. She says they don't have anything big planned. Looks like that's a go.
Maybe this will be our new Mother's Day tradition? We all meet up at a neutral location and stare at animals rather than discuss our feelings. Sounds good to me!!!
You know, as I look at scheduling these visits maybe I need to always connect them to an event. It's twice the bang if the visit can also be the celebration and, more importantly, it gives us something specific to be doing together. Let's see...we can aim for Valentine's Day in February, Kate's birthday in March, Easter in April, Mother's Day in May, hmmm, last day of school celebration in June? 4th of July...the fair in August... This will take some work but I bet I can find a holiday for every month.
Maybe that's the way to define our boundaries to grandma. Hey, we're only going to see you on holidays. But, the good news is that there are a LOT of holidays!
Who doesn't love Groundhog's Day!?!
- Mother's Day is not a deeply important holiday to me. It's nice and all but I've never had super big emotions about it.
- The girls can't know what it is yet and won't have any big feelings this year. But...years from now...will this be a uniquely difficult holiday?
- So if no one cares right now can I just kinda slide this one under the rug and avoid all the drama? Please, please, please someone confirm this is a real option!?!
- Ugh, but what about the birth family. Is this a big deal for them? Are there major traditions? Will this be a minefield of potential hurt feelings? Is there a tactful way to call them up and say, so, on a scale of 1 to 10 how invested are you into making this a big rigamarole?
I called aunt and asked her if that was okay with her. She says they don't have anything big planned. Looks like that's a go.
Maybe this will be our new Mother's Day tradition? We all meet up at a neutral location and stare at animals rather than discuss our feelings. Sounds good to me!!!
You know, as I look at scheduling these visits maybe I need to always connect them to an event. It's twice the bang if the visit can also be the celebration and, more importantly, it gives us something specific to be doing together. Let's see...we can aim for Valentine's Day in February, Kate's birthday in March, Easter in April, Mother's Day in May, hmmm, last day of school celebration in June? 4th of July...the fair in August... This will take some work but I bet I can find a holiday for every month.
Maybe that's the way to define our boundaries to grandma. Hey, we're only going to see you on holidays. But, the good news is that there are a LOT of holidays!
Who doesn't love Groundhog's Day!?!
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