During our six-month check-in with our licensing worker, he asked some of the same questions he'd asked at our initial visit and then chuckled at our responses. He said we did the same thing everyone does. When asked, "what do kids need most?" everyone says "love" at first. Six months into fostering, when asked the same questions, everyone says, "routines and boundaries". We chuckled along with him but shared that husband-wife look over his head.
Why? Because they're the same thing. Routines, boundaries, discipline, rules, consequences, correction, explanation---it's all love.
Our society is familiar with the harm that comes when a child is physically neglected. It's easy to see the kid that appears dirty, hungry, hurt, etc.
But equally harmful is the parent who neglects to instruct and correct their child in how to be a functioning member of society and a generally nice person. Who fails to discipline.
(Ugh, I hate that discipline is such a loaded word. For some it automatically denotes physical abuse and hyper-controlling parents angrily thumping a Bible.)
So, I'll define it to avoid being misunderstood. When I say discipline I think of the teaching of practices by modeling, instructing, and correcting. I think: moderating the base human impulses everyone must learn to control.
I think: a kid who isn't a brat.
So, yes, we teach our kids to say please and thank you and wait their turn and eat with their mouth closed.
Discipline = love. If you truly love you will discipline.
Why? Because they're the same thing. Routines, boundaries, discipline, rules, consequences, correction, explanation---it's all love.
Our society is familiar with the harm that comes when a child is physically neglected. It's easy to see the kid that appears dirty, hungry, hurt, etc.
But equally harmful is the parent who neglects to instruct and correct their child in how to be a functioning member of society and a generally nice person. Who fails to discipline.
(Ugh, I hate that discipline is such a loaded word. For some it automatically denotes physical abuse and hyper-controlling parents angrily thumping a Bible.)
So, I'll define it to avoid being misunderstood. When I say discipline I think of the teaching of practices by modeling, instructing, and correcting. I think: moderating the base human impulses everyone must learn to control.
I think: a kid who isn't a brat.
So, yes, we teach our kids to say please and thank you and wait their turn and eat with their mouth closed.
Discipline = love. If you truly love you will discipline.
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