Last week - 80s. Today 60s with a low in the 40s overnight. I just came inside from tucking the animals in for the night. The goats are usually outside all summer with just a run-in shelter for cover from the rain. Given that it'll be cold with heavy rain overnight, I decided to open back up their winter pen. One of the goats had apparently decided to eat her way to warmth and she was so unbelievably fat that it took her three heaves to wedge herself through the doorway. I refrained from laughing at her. Because even goats know when they're being laughed at. It was a half hour event in chicken wrangling to get the mama hen and her tiny chicks back into their shelter. I had to move the crate and then prop up her little house on something waterproof and add fresh bedding so they'd stay dry through the night even when it rained. All of this action invited the teenage brood to come investigate and once they saw the free food they wouldn't leave. Wrangling the mama hen and...
The main characters: Beth and Theo (parents), Three bio sons: Seth (18), Gus (14), and James (4). Two adoptive daughters: Jane (4) and Kate (3). Our foster-to-adopt girls were placed with us Nov, 18 and adopted Feb, 20. All names are pseudonyms to protect our privacy. Beth is a special education teacher. Theo is an IT guy. We become foster parents in Aug, 2018. This blog is about foster care, adoption, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Sensory Integration Disorders.