Yesterday one of my daughter's friends was at our house for a playdate. They went outside to play but about 10 minutes later, while checking on them through the window, I witnessed a strange behavior. The girl was walking rapidly in a circle about 10 feet in diameter, talking to herself. I couldn't hear well from inside but it sounded like she was distressed. I paused a moment to see if she was looking for something. I thought if she found it she'd be okay. But, after another moment it became clear she was just walking aimlessly and frantically, not looking for anything. I went to the door and called to her. She stopped and looked at me. I said, "is something wrong?" She began to cry and said, "I miss my mommy." I called her into the house and comforted her and explained that if she wanted something all she had to do was ask. I said, "what do you want?" She said, "I'm tired." I got her settled with a book on a chair, called my ...
The main characters: Beth and Theo (parents), Three bio sons: Seth (18), Gus (14), and James (4). Two adoptive daughters: Jane (4) and Kate (3). Our foster-to-adopt girls were placed with us Nov, 18 and adopted Feb, 20. All names are pseudonyms to protect our privacy. Beth is a special education teacher. Theo is an IT guy. We become foster parents in Aug, 2018. This blog is about foster care, adoption, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Sensory Integration Disorders.